Well I didn't make everything. But I did make the frame, and this is actually 004. I took a few tries and a few stabs and eventually got a grip on what I was doing. I've been thinking a lot about how to communicate this story and today I'm going to give it a go. For one, my entire life I've not just wanted to have a bike shop, but a bike company and I'm getting closer with adding frame building. I know some people start out perfect and are perfect all the time but I learn by doing and testing. At this point I've spent most of my life on bicycles, working on bicycles and selling bicycles and I feel that I'm super qualified to design bikes. And for the record, I'm not one of those people who just rides one type of bike or one discipline. I'm not trying to brag or anything, it's just as a bike designer I feel like it's important to point out that not only do I ride, I have been riding and I've been riding pretty much everything. I'm spending a lot of time working on my production capability rather than just cranking out frames. 004 felt like a disaster while being made. It had some design changes which required retooling and this all worked out. Also on this build I was able to confirm a 3 mm discrepancy in my math and so before 005 goes into being made I will refit most of the tooling and improve upon a few more things, but in all reality the stuff is pretty close. People ask me what will be better about my bike. Well, there's a lot of experience going into it. This version of my bike is just a bike. It's for people who travel around and ride mostly pavement. As of now though, for bikes in it's class, it's superior. It's looks still have to be refined, but since I'm still in the proving and testing stage I tend to do things differently, it's this fun game I play in my head about making people think I'm building junk and they won't take me serious and then blam there will be a sweet bike and they'll be stunned. I know that's weird and I'm ok with that, it's just, none of you have been here when rando's stop in and talk shit on my test models and craftsmanship. I hear "homemade" a lot, almost like it's a conspiracy. I don't let it sink it, you know how there's those guys who's buddy built a space shuttle in their garage in an evening or the expert fabricator who talks shit on everything but just by speaking you're clued in they don't know what they're talking about. Anyway I know what's deficient and what isn't, and I know what to take serious and not. And I know what I did and didn't do. Anyway 005 will be pretty cool. which reminds me that I have to pick up some material. Or before 005 get's made I'll make an electric scooter. Haters will hate. Talkers will talk. Riders will ride. And this bike is not for posers, it's for people that just wanna ride a bike. It will be mathematically superior. I cannot wait to have them and have people riding them, it's really a pleasant experience. Here's a picture of 004.
I know how to get better. If you would like to help out donate to the crowdfund here. https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/97bjRf3lmN Here's a picture of 003